
    In Tijan we value our residents’ health and wellbeing. Our track suits our residents’ needs; whether they are seeking a peaceful walk surrounded by the beautiful landscape; or seeking a run in the outdoor areas. Our spacious track will encourage you to walk, run, jog, stroll whenever you want to clear your head.

    Swimming pools:

    Tijan’s 2 main swimming pools ensure providing you and your family with a good refreshing day whenever you feel like taking a swim. It is time to treat your family to a fun day there whenever they desire; whether it’s a holidays or any regular day.

    Kids’ playground:

    Our playground is mainly designed to offer your kids with the space they need to enjoy their time while ensuring maximum safety. These play areas are also equipped with safe play-sets that ensure your kids are having fun while playing in a suitable environment.

    In Tijan, we guarantee providing a playground that encompasses various activities for all of your kids to enjoy.

    Green areas:

    Tijan is the first residential compound in its area that provides delightful meadow-like fields to its tenants.  These charming well-nurtured refreshing landscapes are great resting and relaxing places that help keep your mind-set peaceful and at ease, while at the same time providing beautiful scenery when picnicking with your loved ones.


    Not only does Tijan offer its residents fascinating tenancy with exquisite surroundings, it also delivers the sense of stable protection to its society all the time. The whole area is undoubtedly safe-guarded to keep its residents secured. Tijan’s superb facilities give a sense of security while entering and leaving their residence.